EVALUATION TRAINING"I really enjoyed your workshop and learned loads - thanks!" University of ManchesterThe Institute for Cultural Practices at the University of Manchester asked Sally to run a seminar for arts and culture undergraduates exploring the basics of evaluation. The session included a jargon buster, some basic principles, significant national evaluation frameworks the students might be likely to encounter in future employment, and practical activities designed to help them unpick the risk of bias, and to design their own evaluation framework.
Manchester HistoriesManchester Histories contracted Sally to run two evaluation workshops, and write a toolkit, for their community partners as part of the Hidden Histories project, upskilling local archive and heritage collectors / keepers / researchers to develop their work using professional practice. Workshops One was for evaluation beginners and looked at terminology, and how to measure outcomes and analyse data effectively. Workshop Two was for intermediate evaluators who have some experience but wanted to refine their approaches to be more robust, reliable and applicable to national standards. A free-standing toolkit to complement the workshops and be used by others is currently in production.
John Rylands LibraryAs part of a contract to help the John Rylands team develop a bespoke impact evaluation framework, three training workshops were also provided. The first was to identify the priorities for ongoing monitoring, and qualitative outcomes for impact. These were used to start developing a logic model to underpin the wider framework. The second was to complete the logic model, explore some practical tools including analysing qualitative data such as comments and anecdotes, and advocate to wider colleagues and external stakeholders their evaluation priorities and strategy. The third session worked with front line staff helping them improve their visitor survey techniques to shift the focus from inward facing market research, to outward facing outcomes and experiences evaluation.
Manchester Metropolitan UniversityThe Humanities Research Centre commissioned Sally to run a half day evaluation workshop for faculty staff, post graduate researchers, and community partners who were working together on community engagement and research activity. The session covered the basics of outcomes, outputs, ethical considerations, and how to create and reliably use engaging, accessible, creative consultation.
Manchester Beacon for Public EngagementManchester Beacon, a Research Councils UK Initiative, commissioned Sally to write a toolkit for those receiving its action research funding, across University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Salford, and Museum of Science & Industry. Much of the guidance included is transferable. The toolkit is freely available here.
Engage Evaluation ToolkitEngage (the National Association of Visual Arts & Gallery Education) contracted Sally to write a toolkit on Evaluation & Advocacy, as part of its Making Connections professional development programme for gallery education and art education practitioners including artists and teachers. The toolkit is available from Engage. |
MENTORINGMuseum & Gallery StudieS. University of ManchesterMentoring MA students on the Museum & Gallery studies course in all things community engagement, taking them through the initial concept and proposal development, responding to specific themes and target audiences, through to fully realised and evaluated community engagement work in partnership with course leaders, a co-mentor, and the Museum of Medicine & Health.
Arts Policy, Practice & Management. UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTERMentoring MA Students on the Arts Policy, Practice & Management course as co-deliverer of the Business Studies module, bringing sector expertise and contacts to the cohort. Included introducing the group to business strategy and organisational change tools , and establishing opportunities for them to apply these tools to professional contexts such as investigating a wide range of arts organisations in Amsterdam, and the masterplan site development of the Museum of Science & Industry in Manchester. The work included plenty of site visits, guest speakers, practical research, and presentation of case studies and business plans. CONFERENCESEngage International Conference![]() Sally researched and developed content for the Engage International Conference for artists and gallery educators. Three themes were developed and presented to the conference steering group for consideration: international arts engagement practice; young peoples' voice; and newer mediums of arts engagement such as architecture, film and digital media. The panel selected the theme of international arts engagement practice. As co-ordinator she recruited confirmed city-wide hosts for annual conference looking at Change in the gallery, visual arts and social policy sector. Co-ordinating breakout workshops with a range of partners; problem-solving local logistics; local liasion with host venues; advising on fundraising; contacting and liaising with major strategic partners.
Making ConnectionsMaking Connections was Engage's annual training programme for early career professionals involved in visual arts education and gallery activity. Sally regularly facilitated these training events, as well as researching, writing and updating the accompanying toolkits, available on the Engage website, covering the following topics:
Working with schools Working with young people Working with crafts - makers and making Cultural diversity and project management Early years and family activity Evaluation and advocacy Earlyarts un-conferenceResearching international early years practice for Earlyarts, the UK's professional development network for anyone working creatively with children and families in the arts, cultural and early years sectors. The research helped Earlyarts plan their first Un-conference, helping identify themes for discussion; recommending special guest speakers; and create a new International Resource Bank for Earlyarts members.
Building Schools for the FutureSally created and programmed the North West's first conference, held at Urbis in Manchester, surrounding the BSF scheme rebuilding all secondary schools in the country. Specialists from Urbis, the Sorrell Foundation, CABE, Alsop Architects, and Architects from pathfinder BSF programmes were invited to speak and lead practical sessions. The aim of the conference was to position the potential of the scheme in the minds of local authority education advisers, planners and head teachers, to encourage them to be visionary in their approach. |